Breakup Quotes for Teenager
Why are you so desperate about someone who is not about you? Why you want them though they don't want you?. Why you respect them though they don't?
Now, you will say because you love them. But, understand the clear thing "they don't". Make a full stop and move ahead. otherwise surely you are gonna fall so badly and still they don't give damn.

Here, is 20 Sad Breakup Quotes for Teenager from Sad Love Quotes

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 You never know,
How much you mean to me,
Nor I could explain this to you.
Because, sometime even words fail
to express my feelings.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 Starting a relationship is easy,
Breaking up is easy.
But fighting for love is the hardest
that everyone fails in.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 Every relationship has it's problems,
but what makes it perfect is
if you still want to be together
when things go wrong.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 The more you hurt me,
the more you will lose the old me.
The more you make me cry,
the more I will learn
to live without you.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
I used to come online,
when you were online.
Now, I go offline,
as I see you online.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 I have permanently shut
my door on people,
who used to open their window
for me whenever they
needed me.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 One day,
Your past won't hurt you anymore.
One day,
Your future won't bother you anymore.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 "After breakup"
"Delete his number,
block him from everywhere."
Messages received.
But no one told how could she
remove him from her mind.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 Things change in a year,
so value someone's presence and
the time they send with you
because not everyone stays.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 "Why do men always leave, Dad?"
She asked crying.
"Men don't leave, honey. Boys do."
Her dad replied hugging her.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 If you can't even find 10 minutes
to talk to me despite being home 24/7,
we both know where your priority is.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
giving me thousands reasons to smile,
leaving me without giving any reason.
I lost someone who was the reason
behind my smile.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 Worst feeling?
Not being able to find the right
words to describe what's exactly
going on inside you.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 "Don't now what hurts more?"
When they ignore you or when
they give more importance to
someone else.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 Those who don't cry aren't the
Those who cry hard whole night
and wake up afresh are
true champs.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 Don't text, if they don't reply with
the same warmth.
Don't call, if you are the one who
is calling always.
Don't meet, if you are the one always
asking to meet.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 May be I don't cry, But it hurts.
Maybe I don't say, But if feels.
May be I don't show, But I care.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 What's the worst feeling?
When you watch your bond with
someone fade away. every single day.
Little by little, and you can't do
anything about it. Just watch that shit
happen wide teary eyes
dying inside, slowly.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
"What's the worst thing about falling
in love?" they asked.
"We become addicted to a person", I replied.

Breakup Quotes for Teenager
 Current mood?
I don't want to talk to anyone.
I am tired, I need a break.
Don't ask me any question, I'm fine.
Just leave me alone for some time.
My soul is screaming for peace.

All Sad Breakup Quotes for Teenager from Sad Love Quotes.

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