What is Romantic?
When he can't hug her tightly and kiss her widely in public but pulls her cheeks, hold her hand tightly, stares at her, feed her with his hand, wipe her dirty face with his hanky, play with her hairs, click her funny pictures and treats her as a kid.
 "Trust me, damn romantic it is."

Here is 20 Romantic Love Quotes for Teenager from Sad Love Quotes.

 In this world of " Pretty faces".
I'm lucky to fine a "pretty soul".
Like you.

 Imagine a guy actually praying
just to get married to you.
Yes, it's pure and real when they
remember you in their prayers.

 Do you know what is love?
When you zoom in his every
picture and do nothing
but staring at him for long and
Love can be described in
different ways.

seeking permission before
phone calls,
freely calling each other anytime.

 Some people will climb mountain
with you,
some will no even walk with
you on a straight road.
Choose wisely.

 All love stories are not about
being together,
some are also about
"Trust and understanding",
even if far apart.

 Relationship bond me always
strong, if you are Best friend
first and a couple

 She kissed on the screen during
the video call,
He felt on his cheeks.
Things happen in long distance

 Chats converted to Audio call,
Audio call converted to Video call,
and friendship converted in love.

 "Goodnight", she texted at 12 am.
After that, the real conversation

 Her exams, his fingers were crossed.
His fever, her folded hands.
Her smile, his boundless happiness.
His call, her super fast heartbeat.

 Find someone who still knows
how to talk to you when you're angry.
Someone who respects you in
all your mood states.

 After a long argument,
he texted me.
"Please don't fight with me.
I want to fight for you, not with you."

 "Define your girlfriend in one word?"
his friends questioned.
"My responsibility", he replied
looking into her eyes.

 She is talkative & He is calm.
She is childish & He is mature.
She is careless & He is responsible.
She is sensitive & He is strong.
They proved "Opposite attracts".

 I may irritate you
like no one else does,
Because I love you like
on one else can ever do.

 "I won't ever text you again",
She texted him.
10 minutes later,
his phone beeped again.
"I hate you"
"I love you too, he replied.

 - 12 AM -
Battery fully charged.
Earphone plugged in.
Doors locked.
All set for the most awaited
video call of the day.

 Video call with love is romantic,
but a video cal with friends
is just a pack full of nonsense shit,
ugly faced as well as endless laughter.

I just want a person,
who seeing me after a long time,
would run to me like mad and
hum me like hell.
The love story of every Teenager couple is very special because it's a first love for both. make your love stories true and unbreakable.

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