You're in love when the first thing you want to do in the morning is to check your Inbox whether she sent a message or not. and if you got her messages and you blushing all the day because of her message then this is the perfect sign that you're in Love.
Here is some Beautiful Romantic Quotes will make your partner Happy.

 When you are happy with
someone in private,
You don't need to prove it
on social media.

 Your name is my password,
Because I love to type it
again and again.

 I promise,
I will hold you when you're sad,
I will kiss you when cry,
I will make you smile ,
when you feel down,
And I will love you till I die.

 When I looked into your eyes,
I didn't just see you.
I saw my today,
My tomorrow,
My Future,
for the rest of my life.

 She used to sleep at 10pm.
Now she sleeps at 4am,
just to talk to him.
He used to wake up at 9am,
Now he wakes up at 7am
just to wake her up for college.
Things we do in love.

 You are the reason why I use my
phone even when it's charging.

 "Hi idiot"
Don't you dare to leave me,
I am totally incomplete
without you.

 "Parents or me?"
she questioned.
He answered without a pause.
"That's why I love you."
she confessed.

 "Future Goals?"
I want my children to say
"leave Romeo and Juliet,"
we want our story to be like
"Mom and Dad".

 I just need one person to never
give up on me.
Just one.

 The cutest thing in a relationship:
When your partner says that how
much they missed you for
not being able to talk for hours due
to work or distance.

 Not every boy wants a girl
who is beautiful.
But he surely wants a partner
who supports him in every
stage of life.

 If a girl sticks around and
gives you time to change,
bro it's not love
It's more than love.

Love is not about calling,
texting or kissing.
It's all about thinking of
someone every time.

 Marry a guy who loves his
mom unconditionally,
Because he only knows the
value of someone's love
and care.

 I have so many people to 
talk but,
I still wait for you to
come online.

 Black dress,
Red lips,
Open hairs,
A dream for every man to see his
lady in such combination.

Lucky are those,
who receive their first and
last message of the day
from the same person.

 My eyes met many eyes,
But only got lost is your eyes.

You smile when you are happy,
I smile when I see you happy.

There is feelings when you doing your personal random stuff and around him and imagine him to be staring at you from the distance.

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