When you are working continuously for 5 hours and suddenly a voice comes " Stop working idiot and take some rest, this is enough for today".
This is True Love you can say it's a caring love.
So, Here is some good Cute Love Quotes for Your Special One.

 Waking up in the morning
when you are in love.
is a different kind of feeling.

 Can i replace your name with
so that i can introduce you as
you are mine.

 Every time you look at me,
I look away.
Every time  you look away,
I look at you.

Do you know what's beautiful?
"to have someone with whom
you may fight all day long
and yet you just can't sleep without
texting each other."

You are lucky,
If you have someone is your life
who cares you,
just like Mr. Bean cares his

 One of the best feeling in life is,
When you realize that the one
you love completely.
Loves you back the exact same

 Hate in mind,
Love in heart.
the most uncomfortable feeling
in the world.

being a complete stranger.
being the person i share all
my secrets with.
You were always there for me.

 In the world full of,
"you will get better,"
Be with someone who says.
"I will be the best for you."

 We all deserve someone who 
at the end of the day says,
"I missed you so much today."

 What's real romance?
Hand locked in hands,
steps matching the steps,
two smiling faces and a long 
walk in silence.

 Don't tell me what they said
about me.
Tell me why they were so 
comfortable to say it around you.

 One day, at our worst.
the most unexpected person is
going to be there for us.
And that is what life is.

 Why we never forget our first love?
"Because, we never foget a 
person who came to us with a
torch in the dark."

 There are two kinds of love.
- "I can spend my whole life 
waiting for you."
- "I can't even spend a second
without you."
And both are equally great.

 It's so weird that,
People who i didn't even
know last year,
are now some of the best 
people of my life.

 The most beautiful journey is from,
"You don't know me"
"You know everything."
Keep those people close and

 Dear favorite person,
You are still important to me.
With or without conversation.

 Dear favorite person,
You will forever be my
happy memories.

Not everyone text you for a reason.
Some people text you because
you are their reason.

 Love is very beautiful feelings in the world if you have someone special person then never leave them. Just spend your life with them and make some cute and lovely memories with that person.

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