In the world of fake and trustworthy people, there is a person who make you feel special. we all call them best friend, A best friend is that person who make you laugh even if you are sad. there is your friend who buy you a lunch, but the person who eat your lunch is your best friend. A person who know all your best stories is your good friend, but the person who is the part of that stories is your best friend. So, Here is some best and good quotes for your best friend you can share these quotes with your best friend.

Dear best friend,
No matter how many new people 
I meet in life,
You always top the list.

Unexpected friends are the best,
Name someone who become your
friend unexpectedly.

Proposing your best friend is the
biggest gamble.
Either you're going to get everything
you wanted or you will lose
everything you never wanted to lose.

I don't want a perfect relationship,
Just want my best friend to be 
my only best friend till
last breathe.

A thousands of secrets,
A single keeper: My Best Friend

Don't worry about what they say,
You're awesome.

The only person who understand
the fake emojis behind every text,
No, Best friend.

If your best friend is not jealous of 
your other friends,
You don't have a best friend.

 Hey best friend I'm tagging you
here because,
I Love You.

Having a crush is useless,
If you don't have a best friend
to discuss it with.

Mention your all school friends,
Just to say, I Miss You.

Imagine finding both love 
and friendship,
In one person.

When I was 5, I had 12 friends.
When I turned 10, I had 7 friends.
When I turned 18, I had 3 friends.
And now when I'm 65,
I still have those 3 best friends.

You're blessed if you have a
best friend.
Who at times, acts like your mom.

No matter what life stage it maybe,
I promise to never leave my 
idiot best friend alone.  

Perfect best friend,
Is someone who can understand 
your mood, just by looking your
texts and emojis.

To my best friend,
I promise that no one will ever
take your place in my heart.
I'm totally yours.

Dear best friend,
I know things have made us busy
but trust me i miss you so much.
Yours, The only best friend.

She rejected my proposal and 
said with smile that,
"We are still best friends"
And believe me it's enough
for the rest.

"No, I'm taken by my best friend."

Life changes from classroom to office, jeans to formals, books to files, pocket money to salary, what will never change is our Friendship.

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