Every time when we heard the word 'Women Empowerment' then we think what is the real meaning of women empowerment. today I'm going to show you what is women empowerment. It is nothing it is just a process of becoming confident and independent.
Independent of study till when you want. Independent of marriage, when your parents ask you to get married not because you are of marriageable age but because you want to.

Here is some good Quotes on Women Empowerment.

 Yeah, I am open minded but,
that doesn't mean I'm characterless.

 Psychology says never lie to a girl,
because she already knows the
truth before she asks.

Behing every rude girl there is 
a girl with soft heart who trusted 
everyone once upon a time.

 Not all girls go for looks,
some go for the loyalty and respect.

 When a girl leaves you for herself,
she won't be back.

Darling start working for 
your future,
Don't dream at your home.

 A girl will never trust a guy
so easily but,
once she trusts he is the world
to her.

 Don't show me your attitude,
my block list is bigger than your
friend list.

 Many girls hide their feelings,
Just because they don't want to 
hurt others.

 Sis if your boyfriend can't pay your bill,
you need to find a job not
another boyfriend.

 Darling the best outfit is
self respect don't lose it.

 Dear girls,
If you have been hurt many times and
you still know how to smile,
trust me you're damn strong.

 4am Study is always better than
2am conversation with boyfriend.

 Innocent girls will always behave
like a child,
because they speak only through 
their heart.

 Dear girls,
Stop wasting tears for a fake person,
somewhere a person is dying to
get a text from you.

 Not all girls dreams to 
marry a handsome guy.
Some dreams to fulfill their
future goals.

 Using iPhone which is father's 
gift is not success.
Giving an iPhone as gift to father
is real success.
So work hard,
make your dad proud.

 Educate a man, a man is educated,
Educate a women she will
educate a generation.

 Every girl deserves a guy
who can make her heart forget that
it was ever broken.

 Be that women who pay off
her own bills,
And doesn't need a man for that.

 The real meaning of women empowerment is when you help your dad for pay the EMI of your house. when you take care of your siblings study's expenses.
Work Hard and be the real girl.

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