When you are sitting on the couch, watching your favorite movie and their arms are around you. That feeling of love , That feeling of safety, That feeling of care, That feeling of warmth is just one of the best feeling in the world. That is called true love you can say it Crazy love also.
So, Here is some best top 20 Quotes for crazy couples.

Days if fight are temporary,
Getting everything alright with that
one tight hug is permanent.

A big fight happened,
she shouted and hung up on him.
Few moments later,
a message popped up on his phone,
"I Love You Dumbo!"

"Don't stare, please",
she said blushing as he kept
looking at her face.
"you're so pretty, I just can't stop."
he said smiling.
And he kept looking at her with
more heed this time.

"What is unique about you two?"
"We fight and don't talk for a while. 
But when we start to talk, we don't 
even remember we had a fight."

Not talking to them but still
caring about them.
Is a state of being angry with
someone whom you truly love.

I never leave a single moment
of teasing her,
And in return she never leaves me
hungry at the every day end,
That's the mother's love.

I know I sometimes I mess up and
do things that make it seem like
I don't care,
But trust me, 
You're my whole world.

A smile on your face puts a smile 
on my face.
Maybe this si what they call
Newton's third law.

You are the reason i believe
that love is real.
Nobody makes me feel the way
you make me fee.
trust me,
You are just perfect to me.

He: You know what is the common
thing between dreams and reality?
She: What?
He: Came closer to her,
kissed her forehead & said,

No matter how angry we are,
We always end up forgiving
the person we love.

I want to be your second priority.
Because your first priority should
be your parents.

"So many people stare at your girl
while she is walking down the road,
don't you feel jealous?"
his friends asked.
"Others are just staring, It's me who is
holding her hand", he replied.

Do you ever open your gallery
and keep staring at theri pictures,
Because you miss them so much.

I want to marry someone as 
funny as me.
Imagine we both laughing because
we forgot to pick up
the kids from school.

"Why do you love our late night talks?"
"To know the real you.
Because, darker the night,
truer the feelings."

Always be with someone
Who makes you feel alive,
Who reminfs you of your worth,
Who always giver you positive vibes.

When I think about my future
I always picture you in it,
Because I can't imagine what
my future will look like
without you in it.

She: I'll never talk to you again
He: Let's see.
5 minutes later,
She: Can't you see I am not
talking to you.

Sweet I am but, honey is you.
Image is mine but, colors are you.
Flowers is me but, fragrance is you.
Happy I am but, reason is you.

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